Tuesday, December 06, 2011

It's all about a system

     Out on a run this past weekend with a friend of mine, we were talking about the ways in which our children think of and use technology. On the four hour drive down, I was using my Iphone to listen to podcasts in the car, while my son and daughter traded on and off using an Ipod touch and Ipad to occupy their time. We were all actively engaged in our own respective systems. Needless to say, it got me thinking as to what is the best system for me to be able to set up my current writing challenge. In the past, I have used a good ole fashioned journal and pen, flash drive, or file on my laptop to keep my thoughts. The problem with that has always been for me to remember to take the journal, to remember the flash drive, or email myself the file at home, so that when a nugget pops into my head, I have somewhere and something to jot it down. Inevitably, because I don’t have access quickly enough, my mind forgets.

     This leads me to my current platform of choice for writing, Evernote. Evernote, is a desktop note taking application that allows you to keep everything in sync across multiple devices. In my case on a daily basis, I might use an Iphone, Ipad, Macbook, or Windows laptop. I first came across Evernote, recently as I started taking another graduate class and wanted to give this whole “cloud based” technology a try. The beauty of Evernote to me is that I can start creating something at work, like I am currently doing, save it, and then pick it up on one of my devices and continue writing. For me, it eliminates the need to have that journal with me all the time. Overall, I have been impressed with Evernote so far as my main go to area for creating and saving content. The only downside to this is that it eliminates any reason that I might conjure up for not having access to a system to write.

Word Count: 346

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