Sunday, November 23, 2008

D.D.M.C. #11 - False Start

I had every intention of getting in my 11th marathon of the year this morning. Speaking with a fellow runner yesterday, it is always a bit of a feeling out process when old man winter begins to grip the area and you fumble with layering and getting used to the tingling, biting air as you take your first icy breaths. The air this morning was a crisp, 21 degrees with a windchill of 15 and with some new mittens, I thought I was dressed appropriately.

No real course set in mind, but my faithful border collie mix, Nemo tagged along for the first 5 miles. After a quick stop at home, I was off again. Felt pretty good, but it went south quickly. All of a sudden, I was zapped of all energy. Nothing in the tank. Now maybe it wasn't smart that I didn't take any water or gels, but I was only like 9 miles, and have done that easily in my sleep lots of times. Today, would not be one of them. If there is something I have learned from my miles on the road is that there are days that you just suck it up and press on, and other days where you cash it in and live to fight another day. So, after 12.64 miles, I called it a day. There are still 7 more days to go in the month, amd the D.D.M.C., is still alive.

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