Tuesday, July 31, 2007
Is it an insatiable craving or addiction??
Monday, July 30, 2007
Roll Me Away
Roll, roll me away,
Im gonna roll me away tonight
Gotta keep rollin,
gotta keep ridin,
Keep searchin till I find whats right - Bob Seger
Or in reality, haul a horse up to the vet clinic today. During my hiatus from college, I somehow ended up working for nationally known Arabian horse trainers and driving rigs like the one above up and down the West Coast and Canada. It is almost like riding a bike, a really, really long bike as i hopped back into the driver seat after a few years. But there is nothing quite like rolling down the highway in a big rig.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
Halfway Mark
Mileage suggested by plan to this point: 380 miles
My actual mileage: 382.77 miles
Avg. mileage per week: 47.85 miles
Total time: 62 hr. 7 min
Avg. pace per mile: 9:44
(1) Training has been going really well. No major injuries so far, but the hardest training is coming up with weeks of mileage I have never done.
(2) I have tried to get on my bike a few times a week to help faciliate recovery and give my legs a break, but it has been minimal so far. Only 65.26 miles/ 4 hr 23 min in the 8 weeks so far. I would like to get 2 rides a week from here on out.
(3) Sporadically, I have done my yoga and some core work. Again, another spot I need to focus on.
(4) Overall, it has been a great summer of the Dirt Dawg so far. Let's keep it rollin......
Friday, July 27, 2007
1,825 days....
Thursday, July 26, 2007
Kensington/Island Lake Marathon
Distance: 26.2
Time: 3 hr 50 min 7 sec
Avg. per mile: 8:47
Avg. Heart Rate: 149/79%
Max Heart Rate: 179/95%
Calorie: 3759
1. Felt really, really good today. Pattern was run 2 miles and then walk 2 minutes the whole way. Legs never stiffened up, and i definetly had fuel in the tank when i was done.
2. Tried a new fueling strategy this morning. Ate the same Kashi Go-Lean Waffles with PB and Nutella and a couple of strawberries and coffee pre-run, but did not take in any GU until 14 miles and then again @ 20 miles. Supplemented that with Gatorade and the stomach felt fine with no bloating or fullness that I start to feel at around 20+. Typically start eating 2 GU @ 6 miles and then repeat.
3. Only 6 minutes off of PB and that was with without any taper and a definite increase in mileage following this plan. I think this plan might actually be working!!!
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Put out to pasture
3/19/07 - 7/24/07
347 miles
Monday, July 23, 2007
Up North Pics
Thursday, July 19, 2007
Wild Wood Hills Pathway & Avalanche Bay
Not to shoot my fun wad on a long run alone, but with Buzzkill and Sleeping Bear in town for a few days, we declared it "man day" and loaded up little dirt dawg and headed over to Avalanche Bay(www.avalanchebay.com) for a day of Vertigo and Super G slides.
Man, these are the days I am glad I am a teacher
Wednesday, July 18, 2007
"Monument to Nature"
.Legs Inn (www.legsinn.com) is located in Cross Village, MI at the end of scenic M-119 " Tunnel of Trees" and is listed as a State of Michigan Historic Landmark. It is a quirky joint to say the least. A reminder that the dive we were at last night is not a historic landmark...but damm if that za didn't taste good this morning following a 10+ miler.
Anyways, Nina, our college student from Poland, quickly took Dirrty Girl's orders for pierogis and potato pancakes while little dirt dawg and I plunnked down some quarters into a viewing machine to try and get a sweeping view of Lake Michigan.
Another gem up north.
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
You have a baby @ the bar?
After a day of fun, we docked @ the Pinehurst Inn, who looked like it had seen better days, but certainly looked like a dive. And we love a dive, a place where the locals hang out, you can get frosted mugs, a damm good pizza and where your checks is on a torn piece of notebook paper and they don't take credit cards.
Little dirt dawg even managed to make friends with a couple of locals who let him watch them play pool after which they commented what a nice family we had even with a baby @ the bar.
So after you done with the The Cross in the Woods, head over to the Pinehurst Inn for a real taste of the town.
Monday, July 16, 2007
Roadside Religion
According to the brochure she brought back, it is one of Michigan's best known and loved monuments? Cut from a redwood tree in the mountains of Oregon in 1953 and completed in 1959, millions have visited.
Not my cup of tea, but if you are on your way up north it might be something to check out.
Sunday, July 15, 2007
Anglers we ain't
" Got a boat?" he replies. Heck no...i mean do you know how much running gear I could buy with that I say to myself.
" uh no" I reply.
"well, you can really only fish down at the pier" and with that he gave me some directions and sent us on our way.
Down at the pier, little dirt dawg turned into " worm boy" and with some fumbling on my part we were able to cast out a few lines and even managed to catch a couple of small fish, and I repeat small. No matter to him, he was able to tell Dirrty Girl that the fish he caught was as big as his wingspan, a whopper of a tale.
Saturday, July 14, 2007
Up North
Unlike the last vacation where we traversed over 250+ miles to our destination and made our way across, MI, OH, and finally to PA, this time we will be headed up north to Indian River for seven days.
Never been there before, and not sure what awaits.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Pontiac Lake
Fritz and I had never run, hell had never met until this morning, but it proved to be a great day for a trail run on his local stomping ground. Having not run trails nearly enough this year, I found him flying down the hills and me tripping a couple of times, smacking my right big toe pretty good, and at last count, 5 scrapes and 2 thorns I pulled out of my leg from jumping off the trail to avoid the ipod listening mountain biker.
Comparing data from his Garmin 305 and my Polar RS200SD yielded 9.8 and 10.25 miles respectively, with the trail legend saying 11 miles, and somewhere in between being the miles we covered. In any event, I was stoked to get out and get some trail running in and meet a fellow runner.
Tuesday, July 10, 2007
Appalachian Trail on a Treadmill

I forgot how cool this treadmill is. During the 4.5 mile, 45 min jaunt, the speed adjusted to 6 m.ph. , the Constant Effort Compensation Mode kept adjusting from a 4.5% incline to -2.2% decline every so often that I had to look at the control panel to see that indeed I felt like I was running downhill, because I was!
Luckily, the weather is supposed to break tonight, bringing cooler temps and a return to the outdoors.
Monday, July 09, 2007
World Wide Half Marathon

Sunday, July 08, 2007
Get out your brooms....
As a young boy, I grew up watching the Red Sox, since I lived in the littlest state in the union, but since moving out here in 1985 with my dad, i have since become a Tigers fan. I never made it to the vaunted Fenway Paark and about the only things i miss about the east coast are Dell's and clam cakes and chowder!
Making it our annual tradition, my dad and i enjoyed a wicked blast of summer heat and a scintilating game by the Tigers, sparked by Curtis Granderson's web gem, as they capped the first half of the 2007 season. GO TIGERS!!!
Saturday, July 07, 2007
Flanagan's Run
Based loosely on the 1929 Bunion Derby, Flanagan's Run is a sweeping saga of the depths the human mind and body face as individuals race from L.A. to N.Y. in an attempt to win $$$ during the Great Depression.
I found this book last year laying in the book swap section of the gym library at the RIU hotel in Playa Del Carmen, Mexico and read it within a matter of days and again during the summer as a prepared for my then ill fated, failed 50 miler. As I read it i thought, man, how can i complain about running 50 miles in 1 day, when these individuals are running 50 miles, day in and day out for months at a time?
In the midst again of preparing for another 50 miler, I pulled it down from my shelf in the closet and began reading it again last week. The likes of Doc Cole, Mike Morgan, and Kate Sheridan all make my struggles to get miles in seem paltry at best even if it only fiction. Never mind, the real life account of winner Andy Payne in the 1929 Bunion Derby.
Only a couple of days later, Runner's World appeared on my porch with low and behold, an article on the 1929 Bunion Derby.
Not sure what the message is in all of it except that I should have no complaints about getting out there and putting in the miles in preparation. So get out there and run, RUN!
Friday, July 06, 2007
Mind Chatter
Now, I have purchased a heart rate monitor to make sure my easy runs are truly easy and my hard runs are hard, monitor my fluid and fuel intake, why shouldn't i also take the advice that you have to train yourself for the conditions that you will run on as well? That being said, I headed out to Stoney Creek and started off on a 21.26 mile run that mixed both road (12.61 mi) and trail (8.65 mi). I know the North Country Trail Run is all on trails, and with the family headed up north next week i should be able to start doing some more trail work.
I try and save listening to my Ipod nano (actually the wife's) until I have a couple of hours under my belt, kind of like a reward, and give myself a bit of time to think to myself. Should have had paper with me.
best recollections:
(1) Why do mountain bikers not say thank you when you get out of their way on the trail?
(2) Has anyone ever been attacked on trail by a deer? i was lost in thought on the trail when i came within 6 feet of a deer munching on some grass. Probably what caused my heart rate to climb to 169 or a couple of the big hills.
(3) Nike Air Max Moto IV good for roads and smooth trails. Not great for some of the technical trails @ Stoney.
(4) New GU combination of Chocolate Outrage and Orange Outburst is Yummy.
(5) Why if you spend thousands of dollars on a tri bike, can you not spring for a jersey to wear? I mean if you go down...ouch...and the dude was hairy!
(6)Leave no trace!!! I saw too many gel packets lying on the trail today.
Wednesday, July 04, 2007
A collage of sorts
Aren't they pretty. Linesville Spillway
Makes you hungry doesn't it?
I tried to rush back and get a picture of a horse and cart actually parked there, but I was too late.
Go Seawolves. Justin Verlander, Curtis Granderson, and Joel Zumaya all played here.
Can't think of a better way to spend a summer night than with the family at a ballgame!
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
Country Road
Ambling along for an easy run today found me out amongst rolling hills, an Amish horse and buggy passing me and the first mosquitos of the year. On the way back, this cute dog came barreling towards me, complete with owner yelling " Don't worry he's friendly," which always puts me at ease.
Cutest mutt I have seen but the owner corrected me and said he was a pedigree stray. Guess even with a dog there is some degree of political correctness.
Monday, July 02, 2007
Presque Isle
After a day of sun, Dirrty Girl and I again headed out for a run which was my recovery and her speedwork for the week which she did a good job.
Based on the vacation spent with family, I would like to nominate Yuengling, as my Featured Beer.
Sunday, July 01, 2007
Pirates of the Alleghany
As for my bender, a 9.6 miler around the lake sounds great but running on a busy highway is not the safest thing, but I did get my fix for the day.