The 2nd annual Gobble Dash as part of the Fun Run Series threatened to turn into a Gobble Splash as falling temperatures and more importantly a steady rain descended on the course.
Cleared by his physician to return to the series with any future incidences of blood letting to be followed by a Cat Scan, Einstein returned to the Fun Run Series with the edict :
" Any idiot can run/walk when it is nice and sunny."
The W.I.P. 's huddled around like girls at a sleepover and did the "if you go i will go, but you know it kind of wet and rain” banter.Dirt Dawg chuckled at the peer pressure being applied and even threw in the incentive of buying the first round of cowboy pops to fuel the fire.
As it turns out, only Chai Tea Latte and J-No were the only ones from the W.I.P.'s who answered the call and were rewarded with a hearty pint of Blue Moon.
Gobble Dash 2
November 21, 2007
3.25 miles
Unofficial Results
Dirt Dawg - 30 min
Einstein - 34 min
Chai Tea Latte - 45 min
J-NO - 45 min
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