Every Thursday, a merry cast of characters with colorful names such as Chai Tea Latte, Dr. Hagopian, J-No, Abstract, Prancer, Twinkle Toes, and myself amble and ramble along a 3.25 mile course outside of our school in the name of fitness and comraderie.
This school year though, we have been facing an enormous challenge as we have been dealing with students and families whose behaviors and experiences are nothing like you could imagine. Forced to do more with less as the economy has tightened, agencies have cut back on services and trying to help our students before they fall between the cracks or decide to take the wrong path is difficult.
Needless to say that stress and tension on the faces of our staff is easy to see. That being said, I have found particular salvation in the weekly Fun Run, newsletters and conversation with staff about running/walking, nicknames and clothing options as the colder weather descends on us.
Today was a perfect example of how at the end of the day, I was particularly stressed and worked up about a number of issues and incidents but told my boss that I was going for my fun run and would return with a clear head and finish up when I got back. It really was what I needed. A chance to get some fresh air, clear my head, and engage fellow staff in banter that at least for the moment took my mind of off work.
Upon returning to school to finish up, one staff who has been unable to participate due to scheduling conflicts stated, " You know, you started a good thing. People look forward to it." And so do I.