Friday, April 27, 2007

The Fantastic Four

The Fantastic Four

After approximately 325+ miles completed by all of the participants during the course of the fun run series this year, it seems that it has been whittled down to the fantastic four. These supremely talented individuals have battled rain, ice, wind, snow, and sun all in the sake of participating in this small little event held weekly in an attempt to bolster their health and camaraderie.

Dirt Dawg after putting down a scintillating time last week, looked to tie for the series lead with Twinkle Toes headed out to Ciociaro to begin his assault on those who do not follow the credence of: THINK FAST GO FASTER. However, T.T. was not quite ready to relinquish his hold on first and the two mutually agreed to take it easy and once again fell into their weekly fireside chat that covered such topics as: tanning packages for cyclists, new running shoes, birthday gifts, training plans for cyclists and ultra marathoners and squatting.

J-NO in the 23rd hour peeked her head out the building, decided it was only mildly crappy out and armed with an umbrella and Abstract at her side ambled along the path.


Twinkle Toes: 41 : 24

Dirt Dawg : 40 : 22

J-NO : 26.5 : 15

Abstract: 24.5 : 12

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