Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Running Partners

Although I may run with the likes of Twinkle Toes and Einstein on our weekly Fun Run series at work, I have to say that my best running partners lie in my 4 legged friend and my son who is all about the "race"

My 6 year old border collie mix "Meet your best friend at the zoo" is as good as a motivator as one can get. In any weather, he is ready to go with the sniff of you donning a running watch or article of clothing. Never complains about distance or speed as long as he is free to stop and mark territory every so often. Good for 300-500 miles per year.

With a dash of early spring bestowed on us, my son and I have ventured out for a Few runs the past couple of days. Gone are the days when i would have to prop him up with blankets so he would be big enough for the straps to securely cover him and we would take off with him asleep by mile 2. Now, we must race to the end of the block, which he is 2-0, and then run our loop, only to finish the race at the top of the block to home. We must talk about the day and can we stop at the park to play and if someone goes by on a bike is it timmy? The miles just fly by....

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