Thursday, July 31, 2008
Rafting the Poudre
Enough with the history. Dirrty Girl and I along with some family members took a 1/2 day trip down the Poudre navigating class II and III rapids for approximately 4.5 miles of wet and wild fun. Dirrty Girl even managed to get thrown from the raft as we navigated our way downriver. We did haul her back in.
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Lily Lake
It is easy to get caught up in the beauty that surrounds us on a daily basis here and make bold statements that we are going to move, but there is plenty of beauty in the thumb state in which we reside. I guess the family and I will just have to make a more conscience effort and make the time to experience it.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Flattop Mountain
Distance: 9 miles roundtrip
Total Time: 2hr 36 min
Start/End Elevation: 9,475 - 12,324
Elevation Gain: 2,874 ft
It was not easy. A rocky ascent, switchbacks, and the constant elevation gain finally left Buzzkill and I feeling a little lightheaded once we got above 11,000 ft but we continued to put the proverbial hammer down and once we got above 12,000 ft started feeling good and summited the top in 1 hr 26 min. I wasn't sure that we had made great time, but we had passed quite a few people on the ascent and a couple at the top upon hearing our time asked if we had run up and were we headed to Grand Lake, 11 miles away, for lunch? We kindly responded no, but quickly donned a middle layer and some gloves as the temp had dropped 20 degrees since we started.
My faith in organized religion may be sketchy at best, but if there is a higher power I saw it on display today I was rewarded with unbelievable views and even a mini snowball fight just below the summit.
Buzzkill and I flew down the mountain, running most of it, and I am sure my hamburgered quads will thank me tomorrow. We were rewarded one more time as just before we finished we saw two coyotes skirt across the trail.
It doesn't get much better than this.
Monday, July 28, 2008
Bear Lake
Sunday, July 27, 2008
Bridal Veil
Bridal Veil @ Cow Creek Trailhead
Round Trip: 6.4 mi
Time: 2 hr 50 mi
Start/End Elevation: 7,855 - 8,830
It was beautiful, and along the way spotted some elk that Dirrty Girl had hoped to see. When we thought we had reached the fall which looked more like a trickle, a scamper up a pretty steep and rocky ascent led us to the falls.
Six years of marital bliss and a memorable day to remember it by.
Saturday, July 26, 2008
Loveland Classic 5K
I had checked out places to run in Loveland prior to departure and had found a 5k/10k this morning with a start time of 7 am. However, after getting lost on the way to the hotel due to Bub, note that spelling makes a huge difference on Mapquest, and 2 road weary kids, I did not even pull out the race form to look at where we were in proximity to it.
With no knowledge of the time zone change, dirrty feather was up @ 5:30 am and so as not to wake dirrty girl and little dirt dawg, I fumbled around a dark hotel room for some running clothes and took dirrty feather out to the mother ship to assemble the baby jogger. We made are way around the outlet stores and then headed out along a lake with paved/gravel roads. By pure dumb luck, what did I see on the up ahead but the Loveland Classic 5K/10k!
I checked my wallet, found the entry fee, signed dirty feather and i up to run and tried to call dirrty girl and tell her that we were a mere 1/2 mile away if she wanted to run, and got in a few more miles before the start.
Dirrty Feather and I lined up almost dead last behind what happened to be walkers and had to do quite a bit of work to get some clear running space. Maybe only 150-200 for both races and passed the 1 mile marker in 7:30 as a race volunteer called out, before finishing the 5k in a Garmin time of 21:20. Didn't stay around to see results as we were heading up to the mountains, but at least Dirrty Feather and I both did our first race in Colorado!
Friday, July 25, 2008
Urban Running
Mile High
Dirrty Girl and I were both amazed at not only the cleanliness of Denver, but also the use of mass transit and bicycles by a large segment of the poplulation. Something that is severely lacking in the "D" as is evident by our high ranking in the country for obesity.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Putting it down...
Observations from the road:
1. Crop dusters are cool.
2. Iowa has a lot of corn and cops
3. Nebraska - FLAT!
4. Amazing what people will put in in paddocks with horses...trailers, old cars.
5. Driving across the country is pretty neat.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
The Mother Ship
No sleep til.....Lincoln, Nebraska?
Sunday, July 20, 2008
with my Go Lite Tailwind Pack, a new podcast to listen to, Ultra Dad, and thought I would break in yet another pair of Montrail Hardrocks for the Epic Adventure.
Doesn't seem to matter what time you head out to run in the last week or so in Michigan, since a blanket of humidity has settled over us. A start time of 6:12 a.m. found it to be a pleasant 72 degrees with 94% humidity. Sweet. Paint Creek Trail is FLAT..... but not if you head up Dutton Road to Brewster to Silverbell Road and back on to the Paint Creek Trail where you will find a turnaround point about 7.5 miles right near a old wagon. The result is a nice rolling course and about 15 miles when all is said and done. And I was done given the fact that I looked like I had jumped into a river, pool, or been hosed down due to the humidity...
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Hands On
Friday, July 11, 2008
D.D.M.C. # 7 - 29'er
Heading out to Island Lake.
Arriving @ Island Lake. Trails were in pretty good shape. Should have worn some bug spray, but didn't have to worry about any traffic on the trails. Nice.
Total Time: 4 hr 47 min
D.D.M.C #7 - 4 hr 18 min
Avg. pace per mile: 9:54
Overall, felt pretty good. The goal for today was to just go out and run for time. Knew the distance would take care of itself.
Enjoying a break. Letting the bad blood flow from my legs. Must have gone straight to my head though, because I forgot to take my Garmin 305 from off the roof of my car before I left, and found it in road exiting park with a few new nicks and gouges.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Wednesday, July 09, 2008
Kensington Tempo
Another beautiful summer day and nothing to do but run. I have been doing some hill work, but my bread and butter in an attempt to get faster have been tempo runs and mile repeats as I look towards Columbus and a BQ qualifier. Most of them have been pushing Dirrty Feather.
Today, a change of scenery was needed so load up the baby jogger, fill up the gear bag with snacks and head out Kensington Metropark for a run around the lake. The distance is around 8.5 miles on a nice rolling paved trail that certainly had me working pushing D.F. After a warmup mile, the workout called for 4x1 mile repeats with a mile recovery between. Spilts were: 6:58/ 6:55/ 6:57/ 7:06. Challenging, but made a bit more interesting pushing D.F., taking her juice cup when she is all done, removing her crocs because she wants her feet to be free, and playing games to keep her amused. Workouts tend to fly by pushing her. Maybe I need to push her in my BQ attempt?
Tuesday, July 08, 2008
Squirt Zone
Monday, July 07, 2008
While Dirrty Girl is away....
Saturday, July 05, 2008
Conneaut Lake
Friday, July 04, 2008
Ernst Trail
The picture depicts what little dirt dawg referred to as "bumpty bump" indicating a move from the smooth pavement to crossing over the "rough" wood bridge crossing.